This ALWAYS Turns Off Colombian Women

Elena Morales
5 min readNov 3, 2021


Some guys are smooth and charming. All they have to do is crook their fingers and the women come running to them. But most other guys aren’t going to be like that. You probably aren’t like that.

In fact, your romantic history is probably quite the opposite of that. Maybe you haven’t had the best luck when it comes to attracting women so you decide that you might need to go beyond your open borders in order to find a partner.

And why wouldn’t you? Going to a new country means something of a fresh start, it’s a new coat of paint. No one in the new country knows who you are so your history is whatever you want it to be and your love life moving forward is a blank canvas and you’ve got another chance to paint a picture, the kind of picture that you want.

Colombia is a pretty popular country for guys looking for a romantically-inclined fresh start. Why wouldn’t it be? Colombia is famous for having beautiful, passionate women. That’s the kind of reputation that makes guys from all over the world interested in traveling to the country with the hope that they’re going to have a partner by the time they fly back home.

But the thing is that while you might read up on what to do to attract Colombian women, you may not be aware as to what turns off Colombian women. You may do these things without knowing about them. So it’s important to know what these traits and actions are so that you can minimize them if not avoid them entirely.

Talking about Colombia’s checkered history

Colombia’s past is rather infamous. In fact, that infamous past might be what Colombia is best known for. But it’s not what Colombia is all about, at least not nowadays. So if you talk about Colombia’s infamous past as if it’s all Colombia is about, then the women there aren’t going to be very appreciative of that.

They know that there’s more to Colombia than its past and if all you picture when you think about the country is its past, then the women aren’t going to be very receptive to your romantic overtures.

So either doesn’t mention that infamous past or learn more about the country so that you can expand your perception of it.

You’re not a gentleman.

There’s a certain expectation for men to men in Colombia and part of that masculine identity is being a gentleman. This doesn’t just mean pulling out the chair for her or opening her door. It’s also about having good manners.

If you’re on a date and you’re burping or slurping your drink or soup, then you’re going to look like a lout with no manners. That’s not something that’s going to be attractive to a lot of Colombian women. So maybe don’t do that.

Be a gentleman when you find yourself in the enviable position of being on a date with a Colombian woman and make it a point not to forget your manners.

Oh, and make it a point to walk her home as well. Colombian women might be strong and independent but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t going to be appreciative of a guy who cares enough to go out of his way to make sure she gets home safely.

You don’t dance

In Colombia, dancing is a very important part of the culture, and the people there, the women included, aren’t likely to abstain from that aspect. The point being, they like to dance and they’re going to like it when their suitors dance as well.

Now, there are some legitimate reasons as to why you might not be able to dance. Maybe you’ve got bad knees. Maybe you’ve got bad legs in general. You might be able to get away with not dancing if that’s the case. But if you can dance, then you should do so. You’re not going to win a lot of brownie points with Colombian women if you actively refuse to partake in a very important aspect of their culture.

So put on your dancing shoes, or at least shoes that are comfortable enough for you to dance in when you try to woo Colombian women.

You’re kind of a tightwad

Do you remember how men in Colombia are expected to be masculine? Well, it’s not just about being a gentleman. There’s another aspect to that masculine ideal that you’re going to have to get acquainted with and that’s paying for everything.

Look, if you’ve been married before you’re probably familiar with splitting the costs, but splitting the costs isn’t a thing that’s done in Colombia, at least not when you’re dating. So when you are dating a Colombian woman, don’t expect them to even pretend to reach for their wallet before you inevitably end up paying.

If she does reach for her wallet, wave her off and make sure that it’s your money paying for the date. You’re paying for the date, and maybe everything else, and that’s that.

You’re persnickety about time

Colombian women are renowned for their beauty but beauty isn’t just something that just happens. Beauty takes time and that time might get away from a Colombian woman while she’s pursuing her beauty. So try to be a little understanding if she’s a little late to your date. She’s just making sure she’s all dolled up for her date with you and it’ll be well worth it, even if it doesn’t start when you think it will.

There are a lot of reasons why men all over the world, you included, get it into their heads to pursue a Colombian woman. A lot of the time, these guys succeed at getting a date. You might be one of these guys that have succeeded at getting a date. You may know what you need to do to attract them. But you should also know what repels them so as to avoid repelling them.



Elena Morales
Elena Morales

Written by Elena Morales


Matchmaking Advisor for Medellin Women at

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